PHP Intern / Fresher MCQ Test

Important Points to Remember.

  • No cell phones or other secondary devices in the room or test area
  • Your desk/table must be clear or any materials except your test-taking device
  • No one else can be in the room with you
  • No talking
  • No dual screens/monitors
  • No use of additional applications or internet

1 / 40

Which of the following HTML code is valid?

2 / 40

PHP recognizes constructors by the name.

3 / 40

Which tag is used to display the large font size?

4 / 40

A sum of money is to be distributed among A, B, C, D in the proportion of 5 : 2 : 4 : 3. If C gets Rs. 1000 more than D, what is B’s share?

5 / 40

What will be the output of the following php code?
< ?php $num = 1; $num1 = 2; print $num . "+". $num1; ? >

6 / 40

What least number must be added to 1056, so that the sum is completely divisible by 23 ?

7 / 40

What MySQL property is used to create a surrogate key in MySQL?

8 / 40

Code that uses a class, function, or method is often described as the..

9 / 40

Which one of the following statements should be used to include a file?

10 / 40

Which of the following advanced OOP features is/are not supported by PHP?
i) Method overloading
ii) Multiple Inheritances
iii) Namespaces
iv) Object Cloning

11 / 40

What will be the output of the following PHP code?
< ?php $a = 5; $b = 5; echo ($a === $b); ? >

12 / 40

What will be the output of the following PHP code?

< ?php $total = "25 students"; $more = 10; $total = $total + $more; echo "$total"; ? >

13 / 40

Which of following are compound data type?

14 / 40

A, P, R, X, S and Z are sitting in a row. S and Z are in the centre. A and P are at the ends. R is sitting to the left of A. Who is to the right of P ?

15 / 40

< b > tag makes the enclosed text bold. What is other tag to make text bold?

16 / 40

In php Which method is used to getting browser properties?

17 / 40

He passed the examination in the first class because he……

18 / 40

In PHP, during error handling include() generates__________

19 / 40

Antonyms: ENORMOUS

20 / 40

What will be the output of the following PHP code?
< ?php $color = "maroon"; $var = $color[ 2 ]; echo "$var"; ? >

21 / 40

Find the odd man out. 396, 462, 572, 427, 671, 264

22 / 40

Pointing to a photograph of a boy Suresh said, “He is the son of the only son of my mother.” How is Suresh related to that boy?

23 / 40

Synonyms: VENT

24 / 40

mysql_connect( ) does not take following parameter

25 / 40

In a mixture 60 liters, the ratio of milk and water 2:1. If this ratio is to be 1 : 2, then the quantity of water to be further added is:

26 / 40

The left associative dot operator (.) is used in PHP for

27 / 40

________ is an open source DBMS product that runs on UNIX, Linux and Windows.

28 / 40

What does the operator > > > >  do?

29 / 40

Today is Monday. After 61 days, it will be:

30 / 40

What will be the output of the following PHP code?
< ?php $score = 1234;ET $scoreboard = (array) $score; echo $scoreboard[ 0 ]; ? >

31 / 40

Which of the following is used to delete an entire MYSQL database?

32 / 40

Which version of PHP introduced the instanceof keyword?

33 / 40

What will be the output of the following
< ?php $foo = 'Bob'; $bar = &$foo; $bar = "My name is $bar"; echo $bar; echo $foo; ? >

34 / 40

Which one of the following is the right way to define a constant?

35 / 40

What are 3 different ways to connect with MySQL?
1. MySQL
3. PDO

36 / 40

A SELECT command without a WHERE clause returns?

37 / 40

What is the correct syntax in HTML for creating a link on a webpage?

38 / 40

Which of the looping statements is/are supported by PHP?
i) for loop
ii) while loop
iii) do-while loop
iv) foreach loop

39 / 40

If your object must inherit behavior from a number of sources you must use a/an

40 / 40

For defining the possible line break which tag do we have to use in HTML 5?
