Laravel Fresher

Important Points to Remember.

  • No cell phones or other secondary devices in the room or test area
  • Your desk/table must be clear or any materials except your test-taking device
  • No one else can be in the room with you
  • No talking
  • No dual screens/monitors
  • No use of additional applications or internet

1 / 40

Which one Laravel command line interface?

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After running “ artisan down ”, The project will show the maintenance page. What would be HTTP Status return Code?

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Where is the routing file located in Laravel ?

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Which command is used to start laravel server?

5 / 40

Interpolation of variable in laravel done using

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Which of the following function in Laravel checks that the desired table is exists in the database or not?

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Which of the following function is used to sort array in descending order?

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What is the purpose of learning Web Programming?

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How to get current action name in Laravel?

10 / 40

Among echo and print, which is faster?

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What is the purpose of Laravel Blade Template Engine?

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Which one of the following command is used to create middleware in Laravel?

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How to define a mutator?

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Where do we need to set database connection in Laravel?

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Who developed Laravel?

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Which method returns the average value of a given key ?

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What is Laravel ?

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Among the following functions, choose the one which accepts any number of parameters.

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Bootstrap directory in Laravel is used to__________

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How to check current laravel version install your system?

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How to set a session data in Laravel?

22 / 40

Find the output of the code below:

< ? PHP

 ECHO CHR ( 52 ) ;

 ? > 

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Which class is used in Laravel to handle exceptions?

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Which artisan command is used to remove the compiled class file.

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Composer is a tool for ______ in PHP.

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__ ( ) in laravel used for

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For what do the . env is used?

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What is Node JS?

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Which command is used to create migrations in Laravel?

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In PHP, variable names must start with which of the following.

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Why does Laravel use the Blade Template Engine?

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View files in Laravel end in________ – 

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What is the minimum PHP version required to install Laravel 5.3?

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What type of way does Laravel use to get data from a database ?

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When was Laravel first released?

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The vendor directory contains

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Which of the following methods are used in Database Migrations classes?

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How to create a controller in laravel by cmd?

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What does ORM stands for in laravel?

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Where are all the Laravel Models stored at ?
