Important Points to Remember.

  • No cell phones or other secondary devices in the room or test area
  • Your desk/table must be clear or any materials except your test-taking device
  • No one else can be in the room with you
  • No talking
  • No dual screens/monitors
  • No use of additional applications or internet

1 / 40

Find the output of the following program.

public class Solution{ public static void main (String [ ]  args  )  {  short x = 10; x = x * 5; System.out.print ( x ) ;  }  }

2 / 40

Find the output of the following program.

public class Solution {  public static void main ( String [ ]  args ) {  int [ ]  x = { 120, 200, 016  } ; for ( int i = 0; i  <  x.length ; i++ ) {  System.out.print ( x [ i ] + “ “);  }  }  }

3 / 40

Which of the following android component displays the part of an activity on screen?

4 / 40

Which of the following is not a nickname of any android version?

5 / 40

Which of the following is not an activity lifecycle callback method?

6 / 40

Select the valid statement.

7 / 40

ADB stands for -

8 / 40

As an android programmer, which version of Android should we use as a minimum development target?

9 / 40

What is an activity in android?

10 / 40

On which of the following, developers can test the application, during developing the android applications?

11 / 40

For which of the following Android is mainly developed?

12 / 40

Which of the following is the name of the Android version 1.5?

13 / 40

Find the value of A [ 1 ] after execution of the following program.

int [ ] A = { 0,2,4,1,3 } ; for  ( int i = 0 ; i < a.length ; i++ ) { a [ i ] = a [ ( a  [ i ] + 3 )  % a.length ] ;  }

14 / 40

Under which of the following Android is licensed?

15 / 40

In which year OHA (Open Handset Alliance) is announced?

16 / 40

What is contained in manifest.xml?

17 / 40

Which of the layer is the lowest layer of android architecture?

18 / 40

Which of the following is the first callback method that is invoked by the system during an activity life-cycle?

19 / 40

Identify what can directly access and change the value of the variable res.

Package com.mypackage ; Public class Solution {  Private int res = 100 ;  }

20 / 40

Which of the following converts Java byte code into Dalvik byte code?

21 / 40

Which of the following is the topmost layer of android architecture?

22 / 40

AAPT stands for -

23 / 40

Which of the following is the first mobile phone released that ran the Android OS?

24 / 40

What does API stand for?

25 / 40

Does android support other languages than java?

26 / 40

Which of the following is a dialog class in android?

27 / 40

Find the output of the following program.

public class Solution { public static void main ( String [ ]  args ) {  byte x = 127 ; x++ ; x++ ; System.out.print ( x ) ;  }  }

28 / 40

Which of the following virtual machine is used by the Android operating system?

29 / 40

How can we kill an activity in android?

30 / 40

Android is -

31 / 40

How can we stop the services in android?

32 / 40

Find the output of the following code.

int Integer  = 24 ; char String  = ‘ I ’; System.out.print ( Integer ) ; System. out. print ( String ) ;

33 / 40

What is the use of content provider in Android?

34 / 40

Which of the following is contained in the src folder?

35 / 40

Which of the following is not a state in the service lifecycle?

36 / 40

Which of the following method is used to handle what happens after clicking a button?

37 / 40

Android is based on which of the following language?

38 / 40

APK stands for -

39 / 40

We require an AVD to create an emulator. What does AVD stand for?

40 / 40

Which of the following kernel is used in Android?
